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About Green Ivy Property

Green Ivy Property embodies the enduring qualities of the ivy plant, symbolizing everlasting growth and resilience in challenging conditions. Much like the ivy, our commitment is rooted in faithfulness and loyalty, binding ourselves to excellence in every aspect of real estate. The name also holds a personal touch – a tribute to my Nanna, Ivy Green, who lived to a remarkable 100 years.


She epitomized care and kindness, traits we strive to infuse into our business in an era where genuine connections often take a back seat. Her memory is a guiding light, ensuring that every interaction and transaction reflects the warmth and time she generously shared with others. In essence, Green Ivy Property isn't just a name; it's a legacy of enduring values and heartfelt dedication.

Introducing Cheryl Green

With a versatile background in real estate, I've donned several hats – from property developer to hands-on renovator. My approach to renovations is all about strategic spending, ensuring your property's value experiences a genuine boost. Recognizing that spare cash isn't always readily available, I, as the owner of a finance business, have a repertoire of tricks to explore options without resorting to mortgages.


Beyond the financial intricacies, I recognize the pivotal role of potential buyers in closing the deal. It's not just about selling; it's about orchestrating a smooth and successful transition for everyone involved. With transparent communication, our collaborative journey could encompass property sales, renovation strategies, development goals, your next purchase, and the finer details of finance. Rest assured, I'm dedicated to keeping you well-informed at every step of this real estate adventure.

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